Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Postcards for the People


We are eight students who attend Central College Nottingham in Clifton and we are studying Visual Arts Practice at Foundation Degree level.

We have been commissioned by Rosie MacLennan, of 52 Artists for Bulwell to do a project in which we create free art for public consumption.

Together we aim to make four postcards each which will then be placed around the city centre to be found by the public.

The reason we are doing this is to make art accessible to people who aren't usually interested by art, we will do this by placing the art in everyday normal places. This allows the finder to pick it up and keep it, or to discard it at their will. Our artwork's destiny is dependant on the finder's view of the work, whether they decide it to be valuable or worthless. This means there is no judgement on the artist's behalf on how the finder judges the work and whether or not they enjoy the artwork they find.

On the back of each postcard sized artwork there will be contact details so that the finder can, if they choose, find this blog and their artwork's artist.

In all there will be 32 postcards for people to find, to treasure or discard, to consume art or ignore.

For specific artists contact the email above with the artists name as the subject, thank you.

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